Monday, April 27, 2009




O Usha! You are the the Light of immortal Truth, the foundation of the Dawns,
the Illuminer, Creator, Organiser and Witness of all things, our highest mental heaven,
by Your revelations, You bring into existence in us the concealed luminous mind.

O Usha! You are the revelation of the thought and word of the seer,
the power conscient of the truth of all that is knowable and known,
the affirmation, full and ample,of the giver supreme of all the plenitudes.

O Usha! guided are Your steps according to the rule of a divine plan;
You bring within our reach all desirable things, all the supreme boons,
the boons of the Chida-Ananda, the blessings of the divine existence.

O Usha! You are ancient and eternal, the dawn of the Light Divine
that was from the beginning, but in Your advent ever fresh and young
signifying the full force of the Light and the revelation of the Truth.

O the Divine Dawn! You are the Light of the immortal existence
You bring out in man the powers or the voices of Truth and Joy,
the chariot on which You move is at once of light and of happiness.

O Usha! ever luminous and blissful, You pour into man, ananda and amŗta,
the nectar-delight of immortality as the Divine Dawn of concentrated Light,
confront the worlds with the all-permeating Light of the Universal Being.

O Usha! uplifted You stand on the heights above the mind, in the highest heaven,
as the symbol of Immortality of the Self-Effulgent Timeless Being,
revealed as the Truth of beatific existence or the eternal all-blissful Godhead.

Dawn, O bearer of every boon, Goddess, ancient, yet ever young,
many-thoughted thou movest following the law of thy activities
conscious, absorbed in the affirmation of Him who expresses thee.

O Dawn divine, thou shine out immortal in thy car of happy light
send forth the pleasant voices of the Truth in all the regions, of earth and heaven
may Your steeds, golden-brilliant, well-guided and of wide might bear thee.

O Usha! the horses that bring You, are the nervous forces, perfectly controlled,
golden, bright in hue, dynamic and vibrant, signifying Your divine aspect,
like a wheel moving smoothly over a level field, sans diversities and discords.

O Sūrya Sāvitri! the daughter of Heaven, You accomplish Your task of illumination
by the bright power of the continuous Dawns in the mind’s sky’s divine heavens
by Your increasing illuminations the movements of the mind grow conscient and brilliant.

O Usha! You are the medium of man’s awakening, the first condition of his self realization,
by Your power You induce enlightenment clarifying and enlightening man’s whole nature,
through You dawns the divine Light letting You arrive at the Truth of the Beatitude.

Throwing off veil after veil that hides the Truth,
O Usha! You reveal the luminous godhead,
the Divine Dawn to the illumined ones of all times.

In Your Light Divine man's activities are revealed,
the yajna is done, the sacrifice offered to the fire,
its fire-borne fruits by humanity are gathered

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